Our Free Speech Platforms

Spreely Social

The Social Network For Free People

Spreely was created by two regular guys who were banished from Facebook for promoting ideas that the powers-that-be decided were too controversial. In an effort to provide a haven for the free exchange of thought, a new social media site for free people was born. Too many legacy sites and tech tyrants have manipulated their platforms to inhibit free thinking and gerry-rig what is seen and said. Not on Spreely. You will never be considered a thought criminal.

Spreely TV

You Are Home

Spreely TV is a new generation media business dedicated to providing a balanced news source, inspiring testimonials, thoughtful opinions and wholesome entertainment that is rooted in traditional American values. Our vision is to provide citizens with an alternative source for content, outside the filters of the corporate media propagandists.

Spreely Video

Content is King, so we built a castle.

We grew tired of legacy technology platforms removing our videos and demonetizing our content because it didn’t comport with their social-justice world view. Now our content is fortified against their attacks on First Amendment rights.

America's Cost Club

Save Money & Save America

At America’s Cost Club we are proactively working to reverse the trend of corporate globalism and production off-shoring. We aim to return our nation to a self-reliant manufacturing and agribusiness powerhouse. Wherever possible we source products from American producers and service providers while still offering you the best possible prices.